
Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM) EAM is my new passion of study. In November and this past weekend I took the foundation and the advanced seminars in EAM.  I learned new acupuncture techniques that are scientifically proven with clinical studies. This week the majority of my patients are receiving EAM and the results have been outstanding. Every […]

Fibromyalgia Treatment Protocol

Fibromyalgia Treatment This past weekend I was in San Antonio, Texas for an acupuncture seminar; I learned an amazing fibromyalgia treatment protocol.  The information presented was packed with fascinating, evidence based treatment strategies to enhance my current acupuncture practice.   Consequently, I am excited to implement the strategies I learned, because I can help the fibro […]

Upcoming Fibromyalgia Seminar

Fibromyalgia Treatment Center I am registered to attend a seminar called  “Fibromyalgia Treatment: Tradition, Psychology, & Science” in San Antonio on March 10th and 11th.  The seminar will be taught by Andrew Miles, DOM, Thomas Whalen MD, and Qiu Xuelan Ph.D.  This is very exciting news! The three instructors are highly acclaimed in the field.  I have very high […]

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